Saturday, May 18, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

I am grateful for my Mom! She has been a huge influence in my life. My wife is a pretty amazing mom too. I am grateful for all the motherly influences I have had in my life over the years! The one thing Jennifer usually asks for is some pics with her kids on Mother's day so I thought I would share some here.

 The two beautiful ladies of the family!

We had baby dedication at the church we attend in Antigua.

The whole crew and then individual shots with the boys and Mom below.

Luke even somewhat smiled ;-)

Yes, Levi is getting tall! About 6ft.

Our church, New Life Church had a mother's day activity too. It was a chance to love on Mom's and share with them God's love and encourage them a bit.

We did some games and the men prepared and served the Mom's a dinner. It turned out very good!

I got to finish the day talking with Mom via video chat. It was a great day/weekend!

Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Luke's Birthday and Beach Trip

Here are a few updates with pictures...Luke our oldest son recently turned 19. Luke has taught us so much and we enjoy him. He makes us laugh, cry and sometimes pull out our hair ;-) I have written more about him before here.

Anyway here is a pic from our celebrations with him. I can't believe that he is 19! And I also can't believe I only got one picture from his bday! He wanted rice crispy treat and to go go-karting.
We were able to finally get away for some r and r which was on Luke's birthday as well. It was Grace's first trip. We didn't think that she would like the water but she did and did very well. Here are some pics from our time away with our friends the Harmans.

The water is pretty rough so the kids can't get in the water much but they like playing in the sand.

We enjoyed lots of snuggles in the hammock and pool with Grace!

It was a little warm there.

Grace experiencing a pool for the first time.

It was a nice time away.