Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Family Pics January 2021


While Levi was here we had some family pictures taken. Its not easy to get everyone to smile but they turned out pretty good.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Levi's Birthday and Visit

 We are grateful that our son Levi and Janet (Jennifer's Mom) could visit us recently. Them being able to come was an answer to prayer. Janet contracted coronavirus 3 weeks before their trip. But praise God that she recovered and no one else in the household got sick. (Levi lives with her and her husband Tony) 

We had a good time with them celebrating Christmas, New Years and Levi's Birthday. 

We played lots of games..the question we asked every night after dinner was, "What are we playing?"

Hard to believe that Levi turned 18! We have two adult children. I guess that means we are getting old.

We had some pics taken while Levi was here...more to come.

Got to hang with some friends day after Christmas!

Levi bribing for kisses

It was nice to worship with all of the family even if we had to wear masks!

Had to sneak in cute pic of Grace!

Boys hanging out with the girls. They do a great job loving and taking care of them.

The whole crew...thanks to a generous Christmas gift from a friend we were able to take a trip to a local amusement park.

Jennifer and her mom.

We are grateful for family and the precious time we have with them which is not as much as we would like, but we take what we can get.