Monday, December 13, 2021

Baptisms and Missions Trip

 It is awesome to be able to see New Life Church continue to grow and serve the community and other communities. Recently, the church took a trip to another area of Guatemala where they served for 4 days. They saw 3 people gives their lives to Christ and as a result a few more were baptized as well the following Sunday. Pastor Carlos continues to plant the DNA of missions into the church. Please pray for these new believers and this area where we hope to continue to serve.

Here is the team that went to Joconal!

They preached, served, loved on the community there and the missionaries serving there.

The roads were very challenging!

They were able to take a nice donation to the ministry there.

They taught classes like cooking, art, hair cuts etc.

These are the two that got baptized as a result of the trip.

Pray for Nicomedes and Thania!