Sunday, November 18, 2012

Escuela de Vacaciones

We have been pretty busy the past couple of weeks!  It has been a lot of fun but a lot of work.  The schools here run from January to October.  So the Art, Cooking and Carpentry Schools follow the same schedule.  After school is over we take off one week and then we have what we call vacation schools.  This is a two week school in which we have all different students in the schools for a two week mini program.  In the art school we had close to 50 students, we had 22 in the cooking school and 10 in the carpentry school. 

This is an opportunity to invite to students into the schools and gain some valuable skills and be able to minister to some different kids and families.  One of the other things we are able to do during these couple of weeks is use the regular students from the schools and give them opportunities to teach and lead different things.  This helps us develop them as leaders and teachers as well.

Jennifer has been teaching young ladies at the cooking school and I have been helping in the Art School.  One of the highlights of these two weeks for me was being able to do some small devotionals for the kids in the art school.  I was also able to pray in Spanish for the first time! Enjoy a few more photos below:
These were the younger kids ages 8-11.
These are some of the regular students in the Art School who were helping teach during the vacation schools.
These are some of the boys in the carpentry school.

These are some more pictures of the young ladies in the cooking school.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Adopt a Family In Guatemala for Christmas!

Many families here in Guatemala where we live won't even have a special meal let alone any gifts for Christmas. We have decided as a family to adopt a few families here in Guatemala for Christmas to be a blessing to them and share the Love of Jesus in a practical way.  And we wanted to share this idea with anyone interested in doing the same.  So here is the scoop:

  • For $50 you can adopt a family
  • This will buy some food for a special holiday meal and a few gifts for the family.
  • We will deliver the goods and send you a photo.
Go here and give to sponsor a family.  Please select Love Guatemala - General Support and add a note saying "Adopt a Family in Guatemala"

Thanks for considering being a blessing in this way!