Friday, March 30, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I'll be honest, it's been a tough week!  The house we loved when Ben and I went to Guatemala in January didn't work out.  And it's been up and down ever since. 

The same builder of some friends of ours (the Bunsos) has a piece of property right down the street from the Art School and he is willing to build our family a house on it.  We have a large family and want to have people in our home on a regular basis to connect with families in our community and hope to have some family and friends visit us as well - hint, hint!  So, we asked for two stories, four bedrooms, laundry room, you know, everything including a kithchen sink, literally :)  BUT when the builder emailed us the plans, the house has only one story, three bedrooms, and is smaller than the home we have now, about 1100 sq. feet.  And to top it all off, the permit for piping water to the house was denied.  It may or may not be approved for water by the time we move there.... 

I know that God has a plan and the perfect home for us.  I just struggle feeling like these desires I have for a bigger home are selfish, but at the same time, struggling with the possibility of living in a small home, homeschooling, not being able to host people, etc.  I know that this is going to be a difficult transition in many ways for us as a family and want to make our home one of the easiest, a sanctuary of sorts.  We asked the builder if he would be willing to make the house bigger.  He emailed back today that he is going to figure the costs and let us know on Sunday if it's a possibility.  It usually takes about three months to build a home, but rainy season will be here soon and will make things even more difficult.  (June is only three months away!)  So, it's been a bit stressful lately to say the least.  Please pray with us that the home will be sufficient for our needs and that it will be completed before we move there in June.  God is growing our faith in Him during this time and we believe He will provide for our every need, it's just hard to be patient.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


We continue to be overwhelmed with God's goodness and grace!  One of the ways recently is through our oldest son Luke.  He, as many of you may know, has special needs and many medical concerns.  These concerns were some of what we thought were barriers to keep us from moving to Guatemala.  But God continues to overcome these barriers.

Like today when Luke had his last appointment with his endocrinologist.  He always loves going to his appointments and will really miss Dr. F!  When we tell Luke he has an appointment coming up he will ask about it about 100 times a day until it happens. :)  He started seeing this doctor when he was only one!  Since Luke stopped taking his growth hormone injection four months ago he has gained nine pounds and grown an inch taller!  His levels are perfect and he won't need to see an endocrinologist in Guatemala.  We are so overwhelmed with God's power and healing hand on Luke's life!!!  It has been an amazing journey, one we would have never experienced had we not stepped out in faith and obeyed God's calling on our lives! 


One of the things we have asked you to pray for is our future home in Magdalena.  Last night when we spoke to Carlos he said the builder (of our future home) will send us the plans for adding on this Thursday so we can review them, how exciting! The home only had one bedroom and one bathroom so we asked if he would add on another bedroom or two and also another bathroom, which he is willing to do!  We are grateful that he is willing to add on in addition to finishing the home for us by June!  God continues to go before us and prepare the way for us to move to Guatemala!  We are so thankful and overwhelmed with God's provision and timing! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Prayer Request!

We were able to skype with Carlos tonight and found out that his wife, Telma is very sick.  She is in the hospital right now with stomach problems.  The doctors are running tests and will hopefully have some answers tomorrow.  Please lift her up in prayer!