Monday, December 21, 2020

New Life Church Update

 God has been good in 2020 and He continues to use NLC Guatemala to see lives transformed. Even in the midst of the challenges that 2020 brought we saw God change lives. We had a dozen people say yes to Jesus and 11 people take the important step of faith of baptism. Here are some pictures of some of the great things happening at NLC.

Below is one of our discipleship groups that has grown this year and several are taking steps of faith.

This is a family that we visited and God is working in their family! The two girls in the middle were baptized this year.

These are a few of the baptisms this year.

We are so grateful for how God continues to work! Please pray for New Life Church. Right now we are in the process of starting membership and establishing more organization to prepare for future growth and multiplication.

This was the membership class we had yesterday. 

Birthday Celebrations, New Baby and Grandma Jane's Visit.


Here are a few celebrations and some pics from Ben's Mom's visit. We are enjoying time with her and hopefully Janet, Jennifer's Mom and Levi will be coming on the 24th.

We can't believe Jacob is 15! He is becoming a fine young man.

Jennifer and I still try and get out each week for some sort of date night. It is a necessary time to connect and enjoy each other in the midst of our crazy life.

Caleb and I did a visit to Indy for Levi's surgery in November. He is recovering well but appears that where he had the hole in the roof of his mouth is not staying shut again so pray that closes.

Our baby girl is 2 already! We had a fun time celebrating!

Mama Juana has enjoyed her visit. Here she is with another Juana she met at our church. You may remember her from this blog post where we shared how we built her a home.

We have an addition to the Love Guatemala family. One of our staff members Rosario had a baby a few weeks ago. She is beautiful! 

Thanks for all your support and prayers in 2020! We are looking forward to all God has in store for 2021!

If you would like to give a year end gift to our family you can do so here: and select "Kunkel Family" under areas to support. Thanks!