Monday, July 13, 2020

The hands and feet of Jesus in difficult times...

God calls us to represent him and his kingdom on this earth to make it on earth like it is in heaven. This means we are called to all kinds of acts of justice to display the love of God and glorify him through our actions so that more might now him and more disciples made. One of the major ways we have been able to do this in this time is through giving out food. We have done a lot of this partnering with generous people who have given sacrificially to allow us to continue this. And also we have partnered with other ministries and churches here to hand out the food. Here are some pictures of these food deliveries.

We also were able to help 3 families with a better place to is one of the homes we did.

Hard to see but their current home is in the background...I forgot to get a good pic of it.

This was paid for and built by Iglesia Nueva Vida!

Not much of a house but a lot better than what they had.

This is where they family goes to get water!

I did not get a good picture of the family but here are a few of the kids. We got to share the gospel with them and pray and leave a few Bibles. Please pray for them!