Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Bens Travels and Ministry Connections

 Ben has been adjusting to his new role with New Life Network. He as been connecting with many pastors and leaders in the Latino Church in the US. Most of the connections have been local with a trip to Chicago where we have some churches in the Network and also a trip to Phoenix to make some connections with other Latino leaders and learn about missions sending and challenges as well.

This was our trip to Phoenix which I made with our President Jonathan Morton. We connected with several Latino leader and learned alongsid them for a few days.

This is the main group we connected with and share about New Life Network as you can see below. We learned from them as well

This is my new friend Abraham who is a pastor on the southside. He has a great ministry and has a big vision. I am excited to see how the Lord leads us to partner together.

Please pray with us for these connections among others that the Lord would lead us in how to partner together for the gospel. We are better together!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Sofia's new school and other fun times with the family..

 In our transition from Guatemala we have experienced many new things. One of which has been new schools at least for the girls and more particulary, Sofia. Jennifer was doing homeschool with Grace and Sofia the last few years, really more of pre-school than school. This last fall, Sofia was enrolled in an online school here in Indiana. Sofia has had some challenges in learning some of which is a result of being exposed in her first few years of life to 3 different cultures and languages. So after attempting to do the online school, we felt it might be better for her (and Jennifer) to go to a brick and mortar school. She started this week and has loved it so far. Thanks for praying for her!

She loves riding the school bus!

We took her the first morning and met her teacher and some classmates. She has loved the first few days!

Here are a few other fun pictures and times spent together. The boys and Ben are still trying to get at least one time out per month together. In January they were able to go to a Pacer's game. Time is getting short on all our boys being in the house as Levi gets married in May and Jake will most likely be leaving sometime this summer for the Air Force.

We have been trying to spend some alone time with Emma on Wednesday nights when we drop the other kids off for youth/kids activities at church. She loves to go to McD and get an ice cream cone.

This was the boys and Alanna at the Pacer's game. Not sure why the crazy face from Caleb ;-)