Monday, October 7, 2013

83 And Going Strong!

We had the privilege of having Gordon (pictured about with my wife) in our home for a week last month.  Gordon was with a ministry called EMI or Engineer Ministries International.  He was here to help us with the design of our new facility for Love Guatemala.  I have never been able to spend a week with a man like him.  A man with his experiences, age and wisdom.  It was a lot of fun!

I think sometimes we can have the tendency to cross off those who are older as if they have nothing to offer or as if they can not accomplish anything anymore.  Gordon had traveled the world, worked as an Architect almost twice as long as I have been alive, been married for 52 years, led organizations of hundreds of people, walked with Jesus for many years etc. etc.  He had a lot to offer and at 83 is still traveling the world using his gifts to serve Jesus!

It was very cool how we connected with EMI and with Gordon.  We were at a missions conference here in Guatemala last year and there was a representative from EMI there.  Jennifer walked up to this gentleman whom she thought was representing a kids camp where we wanted to send Levi for summer camp.  So she began to talk with this man and got his business card.  Fast forward months later we contacted them and they came and checked out what we were doing here for a day.  Then last month sent Gordon and another man from the ministry Zack.

Zack is on staff with EMI and Gordon is a volunteer with EMI.  God was involved in bringing Gordon here.  He had worked on Trade Schools in the past in the US and had worked on large jobs in Central America.  I almost teared up as he shared his background as I sat in awe of how God had Gordon in mind for this role years ago.

God brought Gordon here for more than just designing a facility but to teach me a few things.  As the week wore on I asked Gordon as many questions as I could.  Questions like what was the secret to being so healthy at his age, how did he balance a large company, family and faith, what was the hardest thing he ever had to do as a leader of a large organization etc.  I learned so much, but what inspired me the most was his desire to serve and give of his time and energy and money at an age when most people are doing nothing.

I was reminded of Jesus words in John 10:10 "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." Gordon is living out a full and satisfying life which does not include a self-serving life!  Jesus help me to live out all my days to the full!

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