Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Jacob Joined the Space Force

A week ago we sent off another son, Jacob Daniel. Over the last year or so we have discussed his options moving forward. He is a very gifted young man. He can learn, do, fix, play about anything he puts his mind to. He enjoys working on computers and has been building and selling desktops for about a year or so. He has learned to play the keys and a little guitar. He wasn't keen on the idea of college full-time at least at this point and he liked the options the air force and space force gave him. He applied to both branches and was accepted into them both. He did very well on his ASVAB (Armed Services Test) which helped him get into the Space Force which is fairly selective. It is a new branch formed in 2019. He was the first recruit from his recruiting office to go to the Space Force.

He left for Basic Training on June 25th. So he is just beginning his second week there. It is held at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. This is the same place Ben went through basic training when he was in the Air Force. This has been a difficult season for us sending off two sons especially for Momma. Please pray for Jennifer and our family. Pray for Jacob as he goes through basic training and then to technical school in Mississippi. He will be working on cyber systems in the Space Force. (He doesn't know more specifics yet on what he will do exactly) He won't be able to visit for about 6 months. Below are some pictures of our last few days with him.

Dinner with him the night before he shipped off.

He is so great with the girls. They miss him a lot!

This was after his swearing in ceremony.

Dad in front of Air Force shield and Jake in front of Space Force shield.

Swearing In. If anyone is interested in watching the video you can see it here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1145648569998318&ref=sharing

We are so proud of Jacob and excited for what God has in store for him. Please join us in praying for him!

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