Wednesday, June 19, 2024

New Life Network Annual Meetings

 Red Nueva Vida (New Life Network) Retreat

Part of Ben's time in Guatemala was spent in meetings with Red Nueva Vida. We meet every year in a different country to share, celebrate, plan, pray and strategize for the following year.

We started our time visiting and seeing the ministry in Guatemala. There are currently two churches and two generations of disciples and churches. There will hopefully be a third generation soon. The first service was an international service celebrating the work being done globally through New Life Network. Here are some pictures of that special time:

Disicpleship before service

Servicio Global

Our friend Yeison from Colombia was ordained as Pastor

Time and service in Santa Lucia the first daughter church in Guatemala.

We had meetings Monday through Wednesday in which we learned and shared together. Here are some of the pics from that time. We started by sharing prayer requests and praying for each other.

Praying for our first missionary being sent by Guatemala to help start a new work in Honduras.

Here are some of the things we celebrated as a network during last year of ministry:

  • We planted 1 daughter church in Santa Lucia Milpas Altas
  • National Convention Colombia 2023
  • New Churches in Growth Cycle
  • Refine creative work method
  • Villa Mella Church (new group)

  • Finances to hire full time coordinators  for Columbia, Chile, and Dominican Republic

  • Coordinator for USA, Guatemala and Europe in place

  • Discipleship DNA in 2 churches

  • We have made 3 mission trips

  • Completed local leadership training course

  • Contact with new Pastor Elido entering the network

  • We started prayer time with pastors

  • New church starting

  • Built relationships with pastors

  • Spiritual Retreats

  • Recorded and edited videos for Church Planting Certificate for Institute New Life Network

  • We opened 2 new regions (Plantar CRNVC, Huasco-north, Chile Chico-South)

  • Recorded Certificate for Pastoral Care lessons in New Life Institute

  • We opened 2 Discipleship groups

  • Introduced the network to 4 Pastors/Leaders

We set goals for the coming year as well. One big goal as a network is moving into at least one new country. Please pray for these efforts!

We of course took some time to have fun together. One evening we went to Antigua and our last day together we went to Lake Aititlan.

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