Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Levi and Alanna's Wedding

 We just got back from Guatemala this week and spent nearly a month there. Well Ben, Joel and Caleb did spent that long there. Jennifer, Luke, Jake and the girls spent about 2 weeks there. We went primarily for the wedding of our son Levi and new daughter in law Alanna (that still doesn't seem right to say). Ben, Joel and Caleb stayed longer for camp and some meetings with New Life Network. It was an amazing time although hard in some ways as well. It was awesome to see Levi get married, but hard because everyone got sick at some point and Emma was very sick the day of the wedding and couldn't participate as a flower girl. 

It was a very hot day the day of the wedding but a beautiful location in Antigua, Guatemala about 30 minutes from were we lived from 10 years. Enjoy a small sampling of pictures.

We got one picture with Emma in it.

The goomsmen

Alanna and her family

The beautiful flower girls

Thanks for praying for Levi and Alanna as they prepare to move to Kansas City where Levi will work and study at Spurgeon College and Alanna already has a job lined up as a Kindergarten Teacher. We are very proud of them both and excited for what the Lord has in store for them.

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