Ben had the opportunity to travel to Guatemala to serve alongside Carlos the new National Coordinator there. They held a pastor's conference, Ben was able to perform a wedding of couple he baptized and disicpled while living there. Love Guatemala also had a 10 year celebration of officially being a recognized ministry in Guatemala. And of course many visits with friends who are like family.
Always fun to hang with the feeding center kids at Love Guatemala. The team continues to improve and disciple these kids.
The pastor's retreat which was held at our friend's ministry property.
Lots of time to share and worship together.
It's not a retreat without a campfire
10th anniversary of Love Guatemala
Prayer of thanks for 10 years and praying for many more faithful years serving the community of Magdalena and beyond.
Carlos and Telma the founders of LG
It was fun to hear many staff members share about their memories and experiences of working and serving at LG. This is Guicho our very first full time employee who is still working as Security.
Wedding time! This is Pedro and Silvia, Telma's brother and sister in law. The gospel continues to bring about restoration to their family. What a testimony to many there!
Ben enjoyed doing this wedding. Such a picture of the work of the gospel in a family.