Tuesday, January 28, 2025

New Life Network USA Vision for 2025

Ben learned a lot during 2024. There are a lot of challenges facing our hispanic brothers and sisters. It has been a joy for Ben to serve them and learn from them. New life network focuses on forming and reproducing discipeles, forming leaders and planting churches. Here are some things we saw God do in 2024:

  • Started a monthly prayer time with our pastors.
  • Started monthly coaching with each pastor.
  • Started an annual retreat with the pastors and wives. (See pic above)
  • 4 new churches or churches in process of being planted, entered the network. (6 churches in total now) (See pic at bottom which shows one new church signing)
  • 2 new discipleship groups started. (See pic below of one of them)

The vision for 2025 is to continue seeing growth and implementation of our processes in the churches we have, grow in prayer, build a team to help lead the efforts. In addition this is what we are praying the Lord will do in 2025:

  • See our churches grow from 6 to 10 in total.
  • See our discipleship groups grow from 3 to 15, with 75 total people in our discipleship route.
  • Have 10 leaders formed through our leadership training.
  • Plant one new church.
Thanks for praying and supporting us which allows us to do this work of serving the Hispanic Church in the USA. 

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Christmas and January Fun

 We had a great time with our family over the holidays. Levi and Alanna were here for about 10 days and Jacob came for 2 weeks. Below are a lot of pics and not necesarily in order but I will try and give a few details about some of the pics.

Emma wanted "big ole snuggle bug hugs" from her bubbies.

Not sure how they did this pic but I like it. Girls always wanted to play with Levi and Jake!

Birthday lunch for Levi on December 31st.

Christmas with Ben's side of the family.

Aunt Brandi got a new basketball goal for the kids for Christmas. 

Christmas Morning Fun

More snuggles with bubby

Lukester opening some presents

More pics from Ben's side of the family Christmas

Celebration at Jennifer's side of the family celebration

More pics from Levi's bday. 22 already!

It was a fun following Notre Dame football with the boys all the way to the Championship game this year.

Fun in the snow.

Sledding. They love all things unicorn and this was a hit too.

Fun times with the family over the last month or so.