Monday, August 19, 2024

Trip to San Antonio - Jake's Space Force BMT Graduation

 We had a great trip to San Antonio last week to celebrate Jacob's graduation from BMT (Basic Military Training). He did a great job and finished strong. It was great to spend some time with him and hear all about his experience. It was challenging but he did well. He is now in Keesler AFB doing his technical training. His job is satellite communications. 

Jennifer was so ready to see her son and give him a hug!

I am glad that Levi could meet us there too! It was good to spend time with him too. 

This was the first day we got to see him where he had his coin ceremony and then and special pinning ceremony afterwards where he gave Jennifer and I Space force pins.

Jake and his grandparents.

Jake marching. I think this was his least favorite part of BMT. The second day was a parade where they marched in front of us and then had a pass and review with the higher ranking officials. It is amazing how they can transform these young men and women into airmen and guardians in just 7 1/2 weeks. We are so proud of Jacob!

My cousing Aaron is in the Air Force and is stationed where Jake did his BMT so we met him and his wife Amanda for lunch when we arrived and then he came over for the graduation ceremony on the second day.

All the active duty and veterans in the group. Tony served in the Navy, Ben in the Air Force.

The whole group

The boys went down to the Alamo and river walk one evening after we took Jake back to base.

This was the coin ceremony where Jake is receiving his Space Force coin from his Military Training Instructor.

We are grateful we could go and celebrate with Jacob. It was very hot there but it was so great to be with Jacob!


Monday, August 12, 2024

Jennifer's Birthday, First Day of School, and Fun Stuff

 It has been a busy season for us. But we have managed to sneak in some fun stuff, had some firsts and celebrated Jennifer. 

Grace and Sofia started school this week. Grace is in Kindergarten and Sofia is in 1st grade.

We were trying to sell/buy home to allow them to start school at new school but we were not able to do that so unfortunately they will only go to school here for about 6-8 weeks and have to change schools.

Sofia didn't want to take her pic here.

The boys started school too but no pics ;-) They are doing highschool online. Joel with the same programs he has been doing (he has about 1 1/2 years left and Caleb started with an online school here in Indiana. They both wanted to go to a brick and mortar high school but that hasn't been possible since we have not yet moved to where we will be more permanently.

We got one last fun day in at the Children's musuem the day before school started.