Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Visit to Chicago


Jennifer and Ben were able to make a trip north to visit with the two pastors and churches that we have north of Chicago. It is about a four hour drive. Both churches have services at the same time so we could only visit one of the churches, but we had dinner with the other pastor. It was great to get to know them both. We are excited about the opportunities for further ministry and growth in that area.

We had a beautiful time of worship with them

Ben got to preach at the church "El Buen Pastor" pastored by Jose Juan. He and his wife Maribel are very sweet and we were grateful for the sweet time of fellowship with them and their church.

This will be a trip we take every 3-4 months to visit and encourage these churches. Please pray for the work there. It is an area that is about 80% hispanic so there are huge opportunities to plant more churches.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Holiday and Birthday Celbrations

We had some great Christmas celebrations. It is hard to get used to being close to extended family, but we are enjoying it. At the same time we miss our Guatemala Christmas traditions like fireworks, lots of Christmas parties with our ministries, celebrating Christmas with our missionary friends etc. Here are some pictures from our celebrations. One of our favorite traditions (don't have any pics of this) is looking at lights especially late on Christmas eve as we head home from my Jennifer's parents.

We are grateful to also have what will most likely be the last Christmas having all our kids together. Levi is getting married in May and Jake is considering joining the Air Force and may be gone next holiday season.

Luke's light up Elf sweatshirt

They have already painted their unicorns. They get excited about anything unicorn.

Big boys get boring gifts...clothes, razors, games etc.

Favorite gift from brother Levi.

Ben's Mom and Jennifer's parents came over Christmas night for dinner. 

Doesn't get much cuter!

Christmas eve at Jennifer's parents.

Afterward we went by to see Jennifer's niece and nephew who were working and then to see Christmas lights.

Levi turned 21 on New Year's Eve. 

I hope you had a great Christmas season!