Monday, July 26, 2021

Jennifer's Birthday

 This past weekend we celebrated Jennifer's birthday. We are grateful for her life and ministry. She is a big blessing to many. Please pray for her in her last few months of her pregnancy that she would have strength. We are excited about all the Lord has in store for our growing family. 

Happy Birthday Jennifer!!

Escuelita de Misiones

 I shared a while back that one area in which the Lord has burdening me is Missionary Mobilization. Mobilizing the Latino Church into missions especially missions to the least reached peoples of the world. This work has begun in a few ways. One we have a series focused on global missions happening right now at Iglesia Nueva Vida. We are beginning 21 days of prayer today.

Another big step towards mobilizing Guatemalans towards global missions is a 8 week course on missions we are teaching. This is a course developed by Center for Mission Mobilization.  We have 20 students and hope to do this a few times a year to help people see their role in the Great Commission. We are excited about how the Lord is going to use this to mobilize not just a few missionaries but our church here and eventually many other churches and networks of churches. Please pray about this.

Here is a cool mural we did recently in the church to help us stay focused on Missions.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Visit from Levi

 We had a visit from Levi and his girlfriend Alanna earlier this month. It was good to have them here and have a few adventures together. Check out a few pics below.

We took a trip to the zoo. Our three youngest!

Family pic...almost impossible to get everyone to smile ;-)

We didn't all fit at the table for meals.

Pray for this momma. Its hard to have your son so far away!

Thanks for continuing to pray with Levi. It is hard to be so far away from kids!