It's hard to believe that today we celebrate 7 years serving here in Magdalena, Guatemala! The Lord has been so good to us in so many ways and I want to put down a few of the things we have seen God do over the last 7 years so you can celebrate with us and worship the Lord for his goodness. I was reading this morning in Psalm 116 and came across this verse that describes the Lord's goodness in our lives over the past 7 years: "How kind the Lord is! How good he is! So merciful, this God of ours!" Psalm 116:5
Here are a few ways you can celebrate with us:
- God's faithful provision for our family. Our family has grown and our expenses have grown but God continues to provide for our financial needs! Here's our family pic 7 years ago:
- Lives Changed. We have seen many people give their lives to Jesus, baptized, trained in a trade, grow as leaders, etc, etc. Here are a few pics of some changed lives:
- Faithful Provision of God for Love Guatemala. We have seen the Lord provide for the vision he has given us. He has provide for the operational costs of LG. Houses, bunk beds, shoes, medical care, clothing, food and so much more for so many! We have seen hundreds of students trained, graduate and get jobs or start businesses. We have seen God provide over half million dollars for a vocational training center and now for expansion for a new multi-purpose facility. Here are a few pics:
- An Amazing Team the Lord has given us to work with! I am grateful that from day one were able to work with this amazing couple:
God has given us these great teams to work with over the years:
To God be the glory, great things He has done! Thanks to each of you for your faithful prayers and support!