Monday, August 11, 2014

Lives forever Changed............

Here are some stories of several of our students whose lives are being changed.  Thanks for your prayers and support of our students and schools!  If you would like to get involved in our sponsorship program and sponsor a student for $30 per month you can do so here:

Flory in the Cooking School....

But now I'm a different person because of all I have learned at the Cooking School. Now with all the recipes that I have learned in the cooking school I'm ready to implement them along with my profession and find a new job. 

Erick in the Art School...

In the art school I am learning to draw and paint.  Before I like the drawings of my friend because they could draw very well and I couldn't draw very well. But now I feel very happy because I have gotten a lot better with my drawings and I have learned a lot more in the art school.  When I sell my paintings at the art school I can help my family and with this money I can help cover the expenses of my school.  For example I can buy paper or my snacks or any material they ask for me to bring.

Michele in the Cooking School...

 I have learned a lot in the cooking school and thank God that people like my cakes.  The decorating is my favorite. At the first class it was hard for me but now I do very well and I like to decorate my cakes very well for people so they will keep buying from me.  I'm selling my cakes and now people know me and they come to buy my cakes and it gives me great joy because I'm helping my family financially.

Billy in the Carpentry School...

I am a little shy and hard for me to talk to people in the carpentry school. I'm learning to interact with people and I like when I have to participate in devotions and prayers or when I read the Bible because it is helping me to get closer to God.  Also they are helping me to lose the fear of speaking in front of people and this academic preparation is very important. My dream is to be a professional person and in the future to help my mother because she has sacrificed a lot for me.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Are we suppose to Live Safely?

I have been pondering this issue of how sometimes, oftentimes we are told we need to be safe.  Ever since we were little kids everyone has told us be careful, be safe just like I do my own kids now.  But this issue of safety often becomes way to prevalent as we grow up and we always want to play it safe. And then our culture is so safety conscience that their is an entire government agency to make sure we stay safe.  Even in the church we build safe buildings, live in safe neighborhoods and go to safe schools.  We don't ever want to expose our kids to anything that is "unsafe". We grow up with this idea that safety is the way to go, but I am not sure we are always suppose to play it safe.  This seems to contradict a lot of the teaching we find in the scriptures.  

I don't know how anyone could read passages like Matthew 10 and think we are called to live it safely.  In this chapter Jesus is addressing his disciples.  He is giving them instructions for the "missions trip" he is sending them on.  Imagine going on a missions trip and receiving these instructions before you leave:

  1. Don't take any money with you. Vs. 9
  2. Don't take a bag with you. vs. 10
  3. Don't take any extra clothes with you. vs. 10
  4. I am sending you out and you will be like "sheep among wolves" Vs. 16
  5. You will be flogged. Vs. 17
  6. You will be arrested. Vs. 19
  7. You will be hated by everyone. Vs. 22
  8. You will be persecuted. Vs. 23
  9. Don't be afraid of anyone because they can only kill your body. Vs. 28 
I am not sure too many people would be going on "mission's trips" if you got these instructions!

Jesus summarizes his teaching here in Matthew 10 this way in verses 37-39:

37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."

What? These are some of the toughest verses in all of scripture to digest.  How could God want us to love Him more than anyone else?  How do we take up our cross.  What?? You want me to lose my life and if I lose it I find it?

These verses just don't make sense.  They don't make sense in the safety concerned culture we live in.  Or in any culture for that matter.  

But one thing is for sure.  Jesus did not call us to live safely.  He said pretty clearly that it might be pretty rough for you!  You could end up in prison or beaten.  You could end up shot or killed for your faith.

This isn't too far from what is happening in some parts of the world right now this very moment.  Why do we love safety and comfort so much?

Jesus is right. Life lived in safety and comfort is boring.  It is no life at all!  If you want to truly live he tells us to give up our life.  This means different things to different people.  For me and my family it meant selling all our stuff getting on  a plane and moving to Guatemala to serve Jesus there.  For most it doesn't mean that at all.

But don't live so safe that you lose out on all God has for you!  Take a step of faith.  Live Big and don't worry about being safe.  Yes wear your seat belt and eat healthy and don't let your kids play in the streets, but don't live in such a way that you miss out on the big blessing God has for your life.

Give up your safety and your comforts for the sake of moving forward the Kingdom of God!  You won't regret it!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lessons Learned from my son Luke

Many of you have met my son Luke.  He is our oldest son and turned 14 this year.  He is a lot of fun and many of you have been impacted by his life as I have.  It is amazing how much God has taught me through Luke's life.  God teaches me a lot about his Son Jesus through my son Luke.

If you know Luke you know he has his own pace.  He enjoys life and laughs a lot.  One thing God has been teaching me through my son Luke is learning to enjoy life.  How often we are so busy running and doing life that we forget to stop and enjoy it.  God gave us life to enjoy.  First we are to enjoy God and all he has created.

Luke is easily distracted and enjoys people.  Although he can't communicate as well as he would like he loves to be around people and listen and be a part of everything.  He walks at his own pace and doesn't rush anything.  Sometimes this can be frustrating and a challenge.  But God is also teaching me that I need to be like this as well.  I need to slow down and enjoy God and his beautiful creations all around me.  God continually reminds me of this passage from Psalms that says: "Be still and know that I am God."  Why is it that this is so difficult?

We often confuse holiness with busyness.  We think God wants us to continually be busy and I don't think that is what God intended for any of us.  He created us to serve and work but not for continual busyness.  Sometimes we need to stop and enjoy those things that will last for eternity.  God and his people.

Let's all be a little more like Luke and enjoy life.

Friday, August 1, 2014

July - lleno de benediciones

July was a busy and fun month.  We had 2 teams here.  The first one was from Virginia and the second from Georgia and Piedmont Church.  Here are some pictures from our fun month:

Virginia Team

 Making Canvases
 Teaching at the Art School

 Climbing Pacaya
 Carlos Teaching an Art Class to the team
 Delivery chicken coops
Visiting the Love Guatemala Vocational Training Center

 Piedmont Church - Macon, Georgia

 Delivering Chicken Coops

 Teaching Jewlery in the Art School

 Delivering Food to Brenda and her family.  
 I love to see the hope that is being instilled in this young ladies' life!
 Teaching at the Cooking School!
 Devotional Time
 Building Canvases

 Working at the Love Guatemala Vocational Training Center
 Delivering Bunk Beds
 Paintings they took back to sell!
 Worship Time
 Fun time climbing Pacaya and roasting marshmellows over the lava.

Check out a video from our time with Piedmont:

Thanks to all who helped provide a month full of blessings for many families here in Magdalena!