Monday, October 21, 2019

Jake's Birthday!

Yesterday we celebrate Jake's 14th Birthday! It is hard to believe he is 14. It is true what everyone says about how time flies. Seems like we blinked and he went from baby to 14. We are so grateful for Jake who is a kind and caring young man. He is sweet and helpful around the house and with his new baby sister.

This year Jake has learned to play the keyboard and is helping almost every week with our times of singing and worship at our church.

Chocolate cake!

Apparently one of his brothers tipped him off to one of his gifts but he tried to act surprised ;-)

More video games...

A little bowling to celebrate!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Caleb Turns 10!

It is hard to believe that our baby boy is 10! We had a fun time celebrating. We also were able to get away for a few days to the beach and rest earlier this month. This was long overdue. It is Levi's last time going at least while he lives here with us. We have started a lot of lasts ;-(

He wanted to go putt-putting for his we found the best we could in Guate ;-)

He got about 3 different treats!
We actually  had a couple of pretty sunsets

Best part was naps with Grace in the hammock

 Grace does real well in the water