Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Story of Iglesia Nueva Vida (New Life Church)

Since we moved to Guatemala I have had a desire to plant a gospel and grace centered church to continue to see the gospel advance to transform lives and enlarge God’s kingdom. I knew that I could not do this alone so I began to pray for Carlos Lopez that God would place this desire in his heart.

Fast forward 5 years to the end of 2017 when Carlos and I took a fundraising trip stateside. Through this trip which was more about fundraising than making connections to plant a church but the Lord had other plans. The Lord during this time began to work on Carlos and gave him a desire to be a part of a new expression of the church of Jesus in Magdalena. I knew that the Lord was not calling us to do church “normally” and during this trip we met Pastor Jonathan who had a vision to plant churches all over the Latino world. He also had a different vision and way of planting churches.

As we talked more and more I knew that the Lord was calling us to serve with the New Life Network. We joined this network and begin our services on January 31, 2018. We started with about 12 people meeting in our apartment with the desire and vision to plant many churches all across Guatemala. We are just now getting ready to finish our first year and so far we have seen the Lord do some great things. We have seen about 20 people make decisions for Christ. We have had 13 people make the decision to be baptized. We have begin 3 different groups in houses with the goal to have two more churches in houses by the end of 2019. Our goal is to plant small gospel centered communities in houses, cafes, businesses and other places where we are not dependent on a large facility or large financial need. We are following the 12 multiplication principles of the New Life Network to continue multiplying disciples and churches! To God be the Glory!

Visitors, visitors and more visitors...

We are grateful for the army of people that come alongside us in so many ways. We feel so loved by our church families, friends and supporters! We have had guests in our home since mid December loving and serving us and our ministry. Mainly they came to see Grace but that is ok too ;-) 

First up was our friend Jerry that came to visit us and bring gifts from his church, Piedmont Church for over 100 kids here.

He liked playing Santa ;-)

 We were grateful for Jennifer's parents coming to visit as well and we enjoyed our time with them.
 I think they enjoyed meeting their granddaughter as well!

A few days after Tony and Janet left we had our friends from Virginia visit us as well. They were a blessing to have here too. They also blessed our kids with extra special treats!

 They helped us go and get some school supplies too.

We were also grateful that Jane, Ben's mom came for a visit! We have had a lot of fun with her too.

Thanks everyone for loving us so well!

Monday, January 21, 2019

God's Grace seen in Grace

I am in love. I am smitten. Grace has me wrapped around here little pinky. However you want to say it. Yes! But can you blame me? The last month has been quite incredible. She is beautiful in so many ways. Her name Grace because it is by God's grace that we have her. Let me share a bit of this story...

About 15 years ago we began to pray for a girl as we already had two boys at the time and we had dreamed of 2 boys and two girls ;-) And then we had 3 more boys and in between these boys Jennifer had 5 other failed pregnancies. We had pretty much given up on the idea of ever having a little girl of our own.

But God's grace. The last year has been a roll coaster of emotions as we did not want to get our hopes up in case Jennifer again lost this baby. As she got further along in the pregnancy the emotions built and our hearts were a little more tender. And then in July we found out that not only was Jennifer having a healthy pregnancy but also that she was pregnant with a girl! We could not believe it and some days as I look at her I have to pinch myself.

As Jennifer continued in the pregnancy we were growing in expectation and a little bit of fear. Jennifer was high risk for her age and other failed pregnancies. We found a midwife and decided to go the natural route. Jennifer did amazing throughout the pregnancy. She did have some challenges with her legs and especially her veins.

By God's grace, Grace was born on December 18th, 2018. 12/18/18. Jennifer went into labor sometime in the morning and it began to intensify throughout the day. We left for the birth clinic which is about an hour drive from our home about 4:30pm. Guatemala has some major traffic issues at time especially about this time of day. We made it in about an hour and a half by 6pm.

Jennifer did amazing in the labor. Keep in mind she is 40 years young and has given birth every other time with a lot of drugs ;-) She was amazing and the midwife said she had never seen some give birth so peacefully. God's grace and many prayers! About 3 and half hours after we arrived she gave birth to Grace. Jennifer was grateful to have her mom there.

Thank you to all who prayed and encouraged us! We are enjoying every moment of her. Enjoy a few more pics below.

One of the joys has been watching our boys love on Grace and take care of her and even want to help change diapers and calm her when she is fussy. To God be the Glory! By God's grace! Thank you Jesus!

 1 month pictures.