Thursday, January 18, 2018

2018 Theme

What do you do at the end of each year and the beginning of a new year? I often set goals and review the previous years goals. I don't usually have a word for the year but this year was different. I felt as if the Lord was impressing a word on my heart that I was not really sure I wanted as my word for the year in 2018 and I am still not sure.  But I do know from Scripture that it is something we are all called to as believers and that is SACRIFICE.

Sacrifice is one of those things we don't want to do but must do to follow Jesus as he calls us. I started this year challenging myself, our family and our staff here at Love Guatemala to sacrifice for the cause of Christ.

Here is the passage of Scripture the Lord brought me to when thinking about this word. "Anyone who loves their father and mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and who ever loses their life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10:37-39.

Not an easy passage to wrestle with, in fact maybe one of the toughest to study, read and even more difficult to put into actions. I am not sure how we have somehow arrived to the conclusion especially as American Christians that the Christian life is supposed to be easy and better. Like we are supposed to have more money and be healthier. This is found nowhere in the New Testament.

In the passage from Matthew 10 Jesus says real life is found in giving up our lives. Many of us have never experienced all the Lord has for us because we are not willing to sacrifice. For each of us sacrifice means a different thing. Maybe it is time, money or giving up a comfort. Not so we can somehow earn more from God or earn better Christian status, No! We have all God offers in Christ. But let's sacrifice because we Love God more than anything else in our lives (including our own families) and we know what He offers is better than anything else and we want everyone else to know this!

So I am desiring in my own life to sacrifice in this new year to make the gospel known. I want to lead my family to sacrifice and our ministry we are leading all to sacrifice to make Jesus known.