Thursday, October 25, 2012


We have been living in Guatemala for just over 4 months now and we are continuing to learn A LOT!  Sometimes it is information overload especially when it comes to learning Spanish.  It has been and continues to be the biggest and toughest transition I have ever made.  I have never lived in a foreign country (other than for a few months when I was in the Air Force), I have never learned a different language, and I have never been immersed into a completely different culture.  Not only am I transitioning but I am also trying to help our family transition.  Each day seems to bring new challenges.

Our transitions no matter how big or small are often effected by our preconceived notions about how the transition will go.  That is one of the issues I am facing.  My preconceived notion about our transition here was way off.  I knew it would be tough but the one thing I didn’t expect was the length of time it would take to transition.  I like to work hard and be effective in whatever God leads me to do.  But God has been teaching me through our transition here that I need to be patient.  I need more patience in learning Spanish, I need more patience in learning the culture, I need more patience in building relationships and I need more patience in driving etc etc etc…..  I wanted to be at full speed by now but God is teaching me to be patient in all things.  His timing is better than ours!

We have made a long term commitment to live and minister here in Guatemala.  And so with that long term commitment comes long term goals and desire to see lasting change.  Lasting change comes as we learn what it takes to bring about life long change here in Magdalena, Guatemala and each situation is different and requires different things and more learning and all of that takes time!   We know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what brings about change and so we are learning how to most effectively communicate that here.  Learning about the culture we are in is very important for effective communication of the gospel.

 It would be easy to get involved in many things that changes things for the moment but don’t really change things long term.  So we are praying, learning and growing and trying to follow God’s lead in how to be most effective for His Kingdom long term. Please pray with us as we continue to transition and continue to learn patience. 

The Lord continues to go with us as he has promised!  I have clung to a verse that the Lord brought to me through a friend and partner in our ministry here.  It is Exodus 33:14 it says “The Lord replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.”  If you think about it, Jesus was the one who went through the biggest transition of all times when he left heaven to come and dwell among us. (John 1:14)  I am thankful that the one who has been through the biggest transition is walking along side me and my family through this time.

Thank you for all your prayers and support for us during this transition and journey in our lives. We are so excited to be here and learning so much and loving on the people he has sent us to!

Friday, October 12, 2012


Today was a great day!  We had a lot of fun working, praying, visiting and playing with several different families and friends.  We began with a visit to our friend Cesar.  Cesar is man who has touched many lives and some of you reading may even know his story.  Cesar has been bed ridden for years and has a degenerative bone disease which is very painful.  Today as he shared with us he shared about several times when he has almost died.  He has terrible pain almost constantly and yet this man is full of nothing but praise for Jesus!

We sat there as he quoted verse after verse from memory sharing encouragement and hope for us and for the young men from the carpentry school that our friends Carl and Danae had brought to with them to glean some wisdom and encouragement.  One particular verse stuck out to me as he shared today it was from 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 which says "17 For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever."

It would be so easy for someone in Cesars place to get focused on the pain and suffering and have a "woe is me" attitude, but instead Cesar has used this time in his life as an opportunity to minister to the many people who come through his doors.  I have never met a more encouraging person so full of the Spirit of God! 

The Lord has been teaching me a lot over the last 4 months that we have lived here and one of them is about perspective.  Not necesarily perspectives of living in Guatemala versus living in America, but more about eternal perspective.  We often live and make life all about things we can see, touch and smell instead of about unseen eternal things.

We make life about what we can get, eat and do.  We make it about having fun and living the American dream.  When the Lord reminds us that those things whether good or bad won't last forever.  In fact they won't last very long at all in comparison to eternity.  James reminds us that our lives are but a vapor here one day and gone the next.

So let us spend our days, hours and minutes living for things that will last forever.  Living to be the husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters and friends we are called to be.  Living to make a difference for eternity in all the relationships we have.  Living to invest our money in places that will make a difference for eternity.  Lets use our lives together to make a differnce for eternity!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Home Visit

Today we visited a precious family with a new baby!  Griselda has been in the cooking school for a year.  Her baby was a whopping 8 plus pounds when he was born 38 days ago, which is wonderful and very uncommon here!  Her husband, Julio, is a local pastor in Magdalena.  They also have a seven year old daughter and a three year old son.  They were so sweet and so thanful for the opportunity for Griselda to be part of the Cooking School.  Pastors here do not make much money at all so this allows her to help provide basic needs for their family. 

A big thanks to all who sponsor ladies in the cooking school, or kids in the art or carpentry school!  It makes a huge difference in their lives!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Family Visit to the Beach

We were able to get away as a family for a few days earlier this week.  It was great to get away and take some time to rest and relax and spend time together as a family.  We have had a busy stressful last three months and it was nice to be able to enjoy these few days.  It is great to be so close to the beach.  We have always lived a long way away from the beach and in fact this was our kids first time visiting the beach.  The ocean was pretty rough where we were so the kids couldn't swim in the ocean much but they enjoyed putting their feet in.  But we spent the majority of our time at the pool which over looked the beach.  Enjoy a few pictures below:

 Here was the view we had from the pool overlooking the Ocean.
 Joel cheesing.
 Our room.
 Joel and Jacob

 Another georgous view as the sun was setting.
 You couldn't really swim in the ocean because it was so rough, but the boys played a bit in the waters as the waves came up.
We had an interesting trip home as it was raining a lot and we drove up this street that was a bout 2-3 feet of water for miles.  I had never seen anything like it.  I was glad our suburban didn't stall out!